Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My invented life

Who I am is

Creative, Inspirational, Globetrotting Media Mogul

Evolutionary, transformative leader

Sexually liberated

Financially free

Thankful and fulfilled

Calm, peaceful and present

Experiencing people in the fullest expression of love

One who honors the gift that life is moment to moment


Confident and beautiful

A creator of fun!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Got a Coach

I'm getting weekly coaching to hold me to account for making progress on my goals which of course include the relaunch of Being.


This month's goals and objectives: 


Being Magazine

Migrate site to Joomla 1.5x and redesign

Post new articles

Complete business plan (start writing one section per week)



The game plan is:


  1. Write new business plan
  2. Pitch it in a compelling video on a website to solicit investors to buy shares of Being as a publicly held company
  3. Relaunch Being Magazine as a regional lifestyle publication


I have promised to write one section of the plan starting Dec 1.






Sunday, August 23, 2009

So I'm in yet another 10-session seminar. Living Powerfully: A Life that Defies the Predictable. And what seems to be underneath every thing I am working on is Being.

This time we're cleaning up messes and restoring integrity so I finally sent out letters to all of the Being Magazine subscribers offering a full refund and officially announcing that I am not publishing in print.

So far I have two requests for refunds.

I am looking at what my life would look like if I spent a little time each day on Being Magazine.

I have discovered OneNote and purchased my own personal laptop which is quickly becoming the center of my universe. I can publish from OneNote to a blog in a nanosecond.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Success Seminar and Being

Well, the primary focus for me has been trying to keep the Hollywood Gazette afloat in this economy. I knew it was going to be a little rough, but I could not have anticipated how beaten up we have been.

I have done my best and I am exhausted most of the time, no good to anyone -- especially no good for planning a relaunch.


So I am launching the Davie Digest this month instead.

There are a couple of flickers of light for Being though. i had a neat conversation with Khon Tuy's cousin in session 9 of the success seminar.

I also recommended it be the marketing vehicle for Landmark Education in an email to Ina Lee but she never got the email -- at least I mentioned it. :)

I heard that it was mentioned on ugly Betty but that has yet to be confirmed. Brings up the trademark issue again for me.